
The TubeMeister 5 stands as a testament to the knowledge and passion of Mr. Hughes and Herr Kettner. It transforms your every touch into expressive tone, delivering soulful sound straight from your fingertips. The fully-featured preamp offers a wealth of sonic riches. A flip of the Drive switch is all it takes to go from clean to mean. The power amp sports oversized transformers and a 12BH7 dual triode that operates in push-pull mode. Housed in a single glass envelope, these two tube systems deliver a devastating one-two punch that will rock your tone!

The fully-featured preamp of the TubeMeister 5 offers a wealth of sonic riches. A flip of the Drive switch is all it takes to go from clean to mean delivers a full five watts of tube tone with plenty of volume for satisfying sessions. And if you need to keep it soft in the studio or make it loud in the rehearsal room or on stage, the Red Box and power-soak are on board to feed true power amp tone straight to the desk.

  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 H&K TubeMeister 5 真空管音
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 BEHRINGER B212D 主動式喇叭
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 BEHRINGER MS40 數位主動式監聽
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 4W 大輸出(含破音效果)迷你音箱(搖滾橘)
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 FOSTEX PM0.3 主動式監聽喇叭(黑
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 Behringer B1030A 監聽喇叭
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 FOSTEX PM0.3 監聽喇叭(一對兩顆
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 Line6 Micro Spider 超強功
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 CometR GA-15 直立/斜放兩用式音
  • H&KTubeMeister5真空管音箱頭 帶破音電吉他隨身迷你音箱

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